Sunday, September 16, 2007


Modeling with REVIT Rendering with 3ds MAX
In the world of architecture architect often asked to designfreehand sketch by giorgio arius principal architect archindo consultant a3D rendering and modelling by InFraRed Studiond present an idea fast and communicatively. Of course the matter of this case, the drawing speed process sometime inversely proportional with the result of the presentation quality. hand sketch Ability is no doubt again become the killer weapon for the architect to communicate their idea fast to the client. But along with develop technology of computer nowadays this way of presentation a few litle bit moving from which at first rely on for the appliance picture of manual drawing become the digital form. It doesn’t Matter I think. this happens because of hand sketch even made by experienced professional illustrator also sometimes distorted. From sketch hand of which depict the which building can perform monumental, after put into model by computer software or maybe with 3D software, the output is not matching our expect, the result look so fatty and ugly. Therefore design which have model constructively drawn by 3D software more than accurate and of course can be more responsible.


HOME DESIGN WITH AUTODESK REVIT AND RENDERING WITH 3DS MAXIf we Draw a building model by using AutoCAD we will think separately, for example if we want to draw a section and some times we make a revision with plan view. we must look again the view plan, and also the site plan for many times. we have to crucially return to change the whole drawing manually in every visible drawing, one by one section, elevation, and also site plan. The problem is whether the distance between architectural column in the plan view level one have the same place with the section or not. The fact is mistake of the drawing or mismatch between layout plan and elevation happened very often. In our studio elevation view become special priority than layout plan, so that layout drawing have to gived in with follow the elevation dimension. Though difference of distance on just 5 centimetre away of the decoration and ornamen in the section can disturbing overall of an architecture fasade. Not to mention if there are revise one paper sheet for example moving the bathroom in plan view, of the drawing hence designer also disturbing with work on other drawing according to section .

"Auto CAD without BIM. Furthermore if there is revision on one of the drawing, so the designer is also bothered by editing the other drawing so they can match each other"

architectnotedotcom DHU archindo 3d rendering

my recent project, modelling with Autodesk Revit 8.1

rendered on 3DS MAX plugin Vray.

In Autodesk Revit, all of those problem can be eliminated because in this software we are asked to think globally and 3 dimensional. Lay out plan, elevation, section, axonometric, even in perspective serve in one package. Revised a huge building no longer being nightmare. Wall editing for the project drawing shall no longger then to press and draged on, editing work is no more boring, while moving the wall, the other drawings were automatically soon updated.

In our campus this software has been use during 6 year and proven successful helped the scheme problem the student final project design process.

Our Institution called it CAAD that is Computer Architectural Aided Design, because truely this major software concept is specific to architecture. Empower students to visualize their ideas and communicate design intent with Revit Architecture and Autodesk 3ds Max®.

It is different from CAD that generally used by civil, electro even mechanical engineering.

"For the preliminary design process using autocad we called the dark ages"

Why choose Autodesk Revit why is not other? because the competitor like Archicad also have the same ability. I said the same ability with different process and different result.

the answer because its use which simple interface but powerful, completely we will not saw a lot of many confusing toolbar in the interface of this program. spread sheet of archicad interface which fulfill many toolbar which bewilder. The major concept of this software is select and edit. Editing with press and drag, the snaping in revit is very nice. We Will not experience usage of UCS tool which can make frustration, no more sucks UCS usage or snap that attached in everywhere we move. Autocad snap or snap which menu export dwg on Autodesk Revit is well connected with AutoCAD and 3Ds MAX so that esy to share with. and the other way Autodesk 3ds Max have featured called file link manager. This menu can link the drawing from Auto Cad format efficiently. so that very easy to export and import. And as according to your anticipation the model from Revit can directly rendered by 3DS MAX …………is that all? You wrong because material which have you of applyin revit can be read on 3DS MAX.

well i think we have enough for this, after this we will made our first building model then rendering in 3ds max.

1. Understanding Revit work page

Below is the default performance if we open this program, further explanations in this book is based to the labeling below. So when I say option bar for example, we don’t have trouble to look for it on the monitor screen. Because of that reason labeling below becomes a base that must be hold to make learning process easier.


In Indonesian :

Dalam dunia Arsitektur Arsitek seringkali dituntut merancang dan menyajikan suatu ide dengan cepat dan komunikatif. Tentu saja hal ini, kecepatan kadang-kadang berbanding terbalik dengan kualitas penyajian. Kemampuan sketsa tangan tidak diragukan lagi menjadi senjata yang ampuh bagi kalangan arsitek untuk mengkomunikasikan idenya. Namun seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi komputer pada era ini cara penyajian sedikit bergeser dari yang tadinya mengandalkan alat gambar manual menjadi berbentuk digital. Hal ini dikarenakan sketsa tangan yang dibuat oleh ilustrator professional pun seringkali mengalami distorsi. Dari sketsa tangan yang menggambarkan gedung yang gagah dan tinggi setelah dimodelkan dengan software komputer, hasilnya tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Oleh karena itu rancangan yang sudah dimodelkan dengan bantuan software 3D lebih dapat dipertanggung jawabkan.

Dalam menggambar gambar kerja sebuah bangunan jika dengan menggunakan Software AutoCAD kita akan berpikir secara terpisah, yakni jika kita ingin menggambar potongan maka kita harus dengan susah payah meninjau kembali secara ber ulang-ulang gambar tampak, denah, serta site plannya. Yang jadi masalah apaakah jarak kolom arsitektural pada denah sudah sesuai dengan tampak dan potongannya atau belum. Pada prakteknya kesalahan atau ketidak sesuaian antara gambar denah dan tampak sangat sering terjadi. Dalam pelaksanaannya gambar denah menjadi prioritas utama ketimbang tampak, sehingga gambar tampak harus mengalah dengan mengikuti ukuran denah. Padahal selisih jarak sedikit saja pada ornamen fasade sangat berpengaruh pada tampang keseluruhan sebuah Arsitektur. Belum lagi jika terdapat revisi pada salah satu gambar maka designer juga direpotkan dengan pekerjaan merubah gambar yang lainnya agar sesuai. Pada Autodesk Revit masalah-masalah diatas bisa diabaiakan karena dalam software ini kita diajak untuk berpikir secara menyeluruh dan 3 dimensi. Gambar denah,tampak, potongan, axonometri, bahkan perspektif dihidangkan dalam satu paket. Pekerjaan mengedit rancangan tidak lagi membosankan, ketika menggeser dinding, gambar lainnya secara otomatis diupdate seketika.

Dalam kampus kami software ini sudah digunakan selama 6 tahun dan terbukti sukses membantu masalah perancangan mahasiswa tingkat akhir. Institusi kami menyebutnya sebagai CAAD yakni Computer Architectural Aided Design, karena memang software ini dikhususkan untuk Arsitektur. Lain halnya dengan CAD yang dipakai secara umum oleh sipil, elektro bahkan teknik mesin.

Kenapa memilih Autodesk Revit ? kenapa bukan yang lainnya ? karena kita tahu rivalnya Archicad juga mempunyai kemampuan yang sama. Jawabannya karena penggunaannya yang simpel namun powerful, kongkritnya kita tidak akan melihat lembar kerja komputer yang dipenuhi banyak toolbar yang membingungkan. Konsepnya select and edit. Editnyapun memakai konsep press and drag. Tidak akan adalagi penggunaan UCS yang menyebalkan atau snap yang menempel kesan-kemari. Dan yang paling penting adalah software ini sangat bersahabat dengan AutoCAD dan 3Ds MAX sehingga sangat mudah disharing. Hmmm Dan sesuai dengan dugaan anda model dari Revit dapat langsung dirender dengan 3Ds MAX ! Cuma itu? Anda salah karena material yang sudah anda pasang di revit dapat langung dibaca pada 3DS MAX. !!

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